This refreshing, minty salad takes about 10 minutes to throw together. The oranges and broccoli are rich in antioxidants, the shrimp are high in protein...
This tasty seafood salad is comprised of real shrimp and crab meat tossed with crunchy vegetables and some fresh jalapeno for zing! Remove the membrane...
Wonderful salad for an afternoon luncheon. Great if made the night before. I serve croissants with the salad. I have had many requests by guests for the...
When I want to make a macaroni salad just a little bit extra-special, nothing does the trick like some small, sweet shrimp. This is one of my favorite...
Very light flavor and low in calories. Originally meant to be a side dish I made some healthy substitutions and added shrimp. I usually serve with asparagus,...
Great finger food or appetizers for the holidays that you can easily scale up or down. The little shrimp canapes look adorable and egg, shrimp, and olives...
My mom's unusual salad has been popular with friends and family for many years. This salad calls for a lot of ingredients but is worth the effort. If possible,...
My daughter's birthday is near Halloween, which made planning her party easy. I adapted this recipe from one my mother used to make to fit the occasion....
Shrimp salad, refreshing and light, served in a hollowed-out summer tomato. Served as an appetizer, salad, or a light brunch. This was one of our favorite...
This easy shrimp salad contains no lettuce. It's perfect for barbeques or as a 'change of pace' dinner side dish. Customize this recipe with your favorite...
Very light flavor and low in calories. Originally meant to be a side dish I made some healthy substitutions and added shrimp. I usually serve with asparagus,...
A nice Mexican-inspired shrimp salad that is highly rated and requested, especially during the summer months. Easy to make, and ingredients can be adjusted...